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- Francis Giltner had a daughter named “Sally” born 1804 according to several Ancestry World Trees and IGI. Birth month is based on age in July 5, 1855 and June 12, 1875, NY State Census Records. In 1875, 70 year old Sarah Cretsley is living with her daughter Abigail and son-in-law, James Johnson. Sarah lost the use of one arm sometime later in life and after William died she was supported by her children. She received her son, Andrew’s Civil War pension after he died. Her last pension payment of $8.00 was made Dec 4, 1878. 1865 State Census she is living with D.B Smith and daughters, Angeline and Martha, it says she had 10 children. On two state census Sarah says she was born in Broome County, New York. But Broome was not a county until 1808., , , ,