Smith Official DNA & One Name Study

Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA

Alexander Smith

Alexander Smith

Male - 1696  Submit Photo/Document/SourceSubmit Photo/Document/Source   Submit GedcomSubmit Gedcom
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  • Name Alexander Smith 
    • 4) The 90+ page manuscript by JKTS shows that Alexander Smith carme from Scotland versus England (but no town/specific area is listed). Alexander was sometimes shown with his Scottish name of Sander Smith.-Bill Davidson
    Gender Male 
    Immigration 1653  Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    In Greer's "Early Virginia Immigrants" page 304, an Alexander Smith is mentioned as brought to Lancaster by John Robinson in 1653-W&M Quarterly Vol 10 No 3 July 1930 p 214-220 
    Tithables 1658  Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Alexander Smith- William & Mary Quarterly Vol 10 no 3 pp 214-220 
    Fact 1661  Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Appointed constable
    W&M Quarterly Vol 10 no 3 214-220 
    Land Deed 1665  Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Cuthbert Potter deeded to Alexander Smith 700 acres lying on Great Swamp, beginning at a marked white oak standing by Mattapony path near the plantation of John Smith (In 1713 the deed for this land then lying in Middlesex recorded in Middlesex Deed Book 1703-1720 p 312 by John Smith, granson of Alexander - W&M Quarterly Vol 10 No 30 214-220 
    Death 1696  Middlesex County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Alexander Smith will 1696 Middlesex Co VA
    Alexander Smith will 1696 Middlesex Co VA
    Middlesex. Court Records 1698–1754, Court Records 1675–1698
    p 77
    "Middlesex, Virginia, United States Records," images, FamilySearch ( : September 15, 2023), image 449 of 627; Virginia. County Court (Middlesex County).
    Headstones  Submit headstone photo 
    Person ID I821  Smith Smyth Schmidt Smythe Smitt
    What is a Branch?
    Group GRP-R-M269-2 Smith Branch: Alexander Smith d 1695 VA 2. John 3 Samuel 4 Samuel (Kit# 1680****/ ), Group GRP-R-M269-2 Smith Branch: Alexander Smith d 1696 Middlesex Co VA 2 John 3 Samuel 4 John (Kit# 1941****/ ), Group GRP-R-M269-2 Smith Branch: Alexander Smith d 1696 Middlesex Co VA 2 John 3 Samuel 4 Samuel (Kit# 1176****/ ), Group GRP-R-M269-2 Smith Branch: Alexander Smith d 1696 Middlesex VA( ), Smith Branch: Alexander Smith d 1696 VA 2. John 3 Samuel 4 John( )
        Showing line by DNA type-if DNA tester representation, will be on above line
    If a branch has more than one Smith line, be sure to check the branch description (click Smith Branch: link above) to see which group, if any, represents each line
    JOIN the Smith Official DNA Project w a DNA Kit If you are a male Smith or have a male Smith that can test for you, do a YDNA test
    Come Discuss Alexander Smith on Smith DNA Discussion Forum(2) Smith Matched Groupings List (All)
    Is This Your Line? Have confirmed DNA match? Have additions/corrections? Come Collaborate With Us!-Submit Your Tree/Match or Suggest a Change/Reference/Source
    Autosomal Group
    What is an Autosomal Group?
    If you have some known autosomal Smith matches already in the Smith DNA Project for this line, please let us know and we'll add to the group. Also,if the matches are not part of the Smith Official DNA Project at FamiliyTreeDNA, ask them to join; they can do an autosomal transfer if the DNA test was done with most other vendors  
    Last Modified 15 Sep 2023 Help  

    Father Unknown Smith 
    • John Smith and Alexander Smith as sons of unknown is not confirmed, but is alluded to in Smiths of Middlesex County, Virginia
      Mrs. P. W. Hiden
      The William and Mary Quarterly
      The William and Mary Quarterly
      Vol. 10, No. 3 (Jul., 1930), pp. 214-220 (7 pages)

      We need a male Smith descendant of John Smith to do a YDNA test.
    Family ID F45000  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    • 1) Alexander Smith had two sons, John Smith and Samuel Smith. Samuel died young around 1687 and never married. It is probably not critical to show Samuel....but that would certainly make any tree on this family more complete/accurate. Alexander also had a daughter named Rachel Smith (married John Wyatt, and not William Wyatt like some researchers show). So....three total children.

      2) The wife of Alexander Smith is unknown. Mary Ann Cocke seems to be just a wild guess by some researchers. Excellent researcher (and Y DNA donor) Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith (JKTS) always hated it when anyone listed a name for Alexander’s wife.

      3) The father of Alexander Smith is unknown. -Bill Davidson
    +1. Lt John Smith   d. 1696, Middlesex County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. Samuel Smith   d. 6 Apr 1696
     3. Rachel Smith
    Smith Member
    Smith Member
    Jonathan and sister Lucinda
    Descendant of Alexander SMith b 1696 Middlesex Co VA
    Family ID F392  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 30 Mar 2019 Help 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsImmigration - In Greer's "Early Virginia Immigrants" page 304, an Alexander Smith is mentioned as brought to Lancaster by John Robinson in 1653-W&M Quarterly Vol 10 No 3 July 1930 p 214-220 - 1653 - Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsTithables - Alexander Smith- William & Mary Quarterly Vol 10 no 3 pp 214-220 - 1658 - Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsFact - Appointed constable W&M Quarterly Vol 10 no 3 214-220 - 1661 - Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsLand Deed - Cuthbert Potter deeded to Alexander Smith 700 acres lying on Great Swamp, beginning at a marked white oak standing by Mattapony path near the plantation of John Smith (In 1713 the deed for this land then lying in Middlesex recorded in Middlesex Deed Book 1703-1720 p 312 by John Smith, granson of Alexander - W&M Quarterly Vol 10 No 30 214-220 - 1665 - Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 1696 - Middlesex County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Documents
    Alexander Smith- Middlesex County, Virginia
    Alexander Smith- Middlesex County, Virginia
    Smiths of Middlesex County, Virginia
    Mrs. P. W. Hiden
    The William and Mary Quarterly
    The William and Mary Quarterly
    Vol. 10, No. 3 (Jul., 1930), pp. 214-220 (7 pages)